Updated: 2013-01-26 07:48:07
The following suggestions are guidelines for developing your major characters so that they mesh properly in the patterns of action and plot. This mesh, or weave, if you will, is your goal as an author: a sort of writer’s trinity, three-in-one. Character-action-plot. Develop the character’s emotions so they are consistent with his or her character.From [...]
Updated: 2013-01-21 18:43:48
How do you give a personality to the animal or animals in your story? How do you do it without being a crazy cat lady?
Updated: 2013-01-08 23:16:15
Last year we announced the first ever Writing Excuses Retreat, and an awesome scholarship to go along with it. We’ve never done an event like this before, but we feel pretty good about it, and we think it will be a big help to a lot of writers, and we don’t want that group to [...]
Updated: 2013-01-06 23:38:05
We're back for the New Year, and we start by answering all your questions. Or at least eight of them.